I have loved drawing since I was a child. Drawing never ceased to thrill me like a dream come true, and when various things came from my hands, it seemed like a magic lamp and made me feel proud. Flyers, textbooks, newspapers ……. I would look for places where I could paint, and I would paint like crazy. My favorite screen among them was the road in front of my house. The road, where I could spread out my drawings as much as I wanted, was a dream stage for me to enter into my paintings. However, the chalk I had bought would soon be scraped off on the hard ground. So I found stones of various colors and rubbed them as hard as I could on the asphalt, making blisters on my hands as I painted.
As I grew older, many things happened to me, but I was persistent in drawing, because even as a child, even without chalk, I persistently continued to draw. Every day I was busy with work, took it out on my family, and even spent time drawing while I slept. But looking back now, I wonder why I feel so happy as if it was all a dream.
The blisters on my hands that I had then are still alive and well, protected by many people.
I can still go into my dreams.
略歴-brief personal record
1977年 大阪生まれ
2017年 京都市立芸術大学大学院後期博士課程修了
2000年 卒業制作展(京都市立美術館/市長賞 大学買上)
2001年 青垣日本画展(青垣町民センター別館大ホール/読売新聞社賞)
2002年 日春展(東京都美術館等/同15,17,18,19,21年)
2014年 奈良県美術展覧会(奈良県文化会館/県展賞
2015年 上野の森美術館大賞展(上野の森美術館等/同16,17,19年/19年賞候補)
Hart art in Fukuoka-新感覚展-選抜(福岡県立美術館/奨励賞)
Artist Group 風 大作公募展(東京都立美術館等/同16,20年入賞)
2016年 京展 80周年記念展栖鳳賞
2018年 第6回桜花賞展(郷さくら美術館/買上)
2019年 個展 春一番(ギャラリー恵風/京都)
2020年 京都 日本画新展(美術館「えき」KYOTO/同21年)
2022年 第8回日展(京都新聞社賞)
1977 Born in Osaka, Japan
2017 Completed the doctoral course at Kyoto City University of Arts
2000 Graduation Works Exhibition
(Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art / Mayor Prize, University Purchase)
Kyoto Exhibition (Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, 01,13,14,15,16)
Nitten (The National Art Center, Tokyo, etc., 2002, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21)
2001 Aogaki Japanese Painting Exhibition
(Aogaki Town Center Annex, Main Hall / Yomiuri Shimbun Award)
2002 Nisshun Exhibition
(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, etc. / 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 ,22years)
2014 Nara Prefectural Art Exhibition
(Nara Prefectural Cultural Hall / Prefectural Exhibition Prize)
2015 The Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition
(The Ueno Royal Museum, etc. / Nominated for the 16th, 17th, 19th,
and 19th Prizes)
Hart art in Fukuoka – New Sense Exhibition – Selected
(Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art / Encouragement Prize)
Artist Group Kaze: Large-Scale Art Exhibition
(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, etc. /prize winner in 2004 and 2008)
15 Years of Kyoto Bank Collection (Kyoto Bank / Purchase)
2016 Seiho Prize, 80th Anniversary Exhibition, Kyoto Exhibition
2018 The 6th Cherry Blossom Prize Exhibition
(Goh Sakura Art Museum/purchased)
2019 Solo Exhibition Spring First (Gallery Keifu/Kyoto)
2020 New Exhibition of Japanese Painting in Kyoto
(Museum “Eki” KYOTO/21st year of the same)
2022 The 8th Nitten (Kyoto Newspaper Company Prize)
研究発表-research publication
2017年 「手ごたえのありか‐絵を描く行為と触覚のゆくえ‐」
2018年 「鑑賞Ⅰ」
2018年 「地域資源を活かした主体的、対話的な鑑賞教育の実践」
2019年 「見るとは何か」
全国高等学校美術、工芸教育研究会 東京大会口頭発表
2020年 NIHONGA◯en
2017 “Where is the sense of touch?
Doctoral dissertation
2018 “Appreciation I
Grant:Funded by Kyoto Kyokou Individual Research
2018 “Practice of Proactive and Interactive Appreciation Education Utilizing
Local Resources”
Grant: Future Education Research Institute
2019 “What is seeing?”
Oral presentation at the National High School Arts and Crafts
Education Research Association Tokyo Conference
2020 NIHONGA◯en
Grant:The Asahi Shimbun Cultural Foundation
小倉山荘 竹生の郷本館
Kyoto City University of Arts Museum
Polytechnic Center Kyoto
The Bank of Kyoto
Sato Sakura Art Museum
Fukuda Art Museum
Ogura Sansou, Tikubu no Sato Main Building